Friday 21 October 2011

The secret chamber in the Great Pyramid

Prof. Dr. Khalil Messiah doctor and archaeologist of Egypt to study the Great Pyramid for more than four years including the year and a half using special equipment working theory of X-mass, and wrote in his memoirs, personal diaries excavations conducted by the official in the Great Pyramid as of March 2, 1967 until March 13, 1967 he he always has a mask that the burial chamber of Cheops real still have not found yet and it must be present in the pyramid of Cheops at Giza, for reasons including that the builders of the pyramids in the dynasties fourth, fifth and sixth have chosen to be the burial chambers under the ground unlike the Chamber of Cheops current which is located at the top construction as that according to the pyramid Texts, the king after his death, goes across the sky in a boat the god Ra, therefore, found the boat of the sun around the pyramid and that the king ascends to heaven to become a star next to the star Osiris in a total of Orion, and this is achieved by spending ventilation bedroom Cheops, which indicate the stars of Orion with amazing accuracy

 And that the king after his death imitate Bawazoris king of the world other and thought, Dr. Khalil in the truth of the novel Herodotus, a historian of the fourth century BC by the chamber of secrets of Cheops, which told him the Egyptians and then it falls under the Pyramid and the tomb of Cheops on the island surrounded by water on all sides and they received through the channel supplying water of the River Nile which is the same order or Alaozyreon Abydos tomb of Osiris, known and there are many novel evidence of the sincerity of Herodotus, despite some contradictions and false rumors by quoting his contemporaries

 He chose Dr. Khalil room Queen pyramid as the beginning of consideration because of its unique design and its location in the middle of the pyramid completely, and when he analyzed the blanks using the X-ray mass was able to locate the entrance room, the treasures of Cheops down the floor, was approved by the interest of Egyptian antiquities official the request of Dr. Khalil and Dr. Heshmat Messiah Secretary General of the raised pyramid at the time the work of cleaning the floor of the room, the queen and began to work, with a team of skilled workers, and they clean the floor the room of dust accumulated over the years that had piled up for about ten centimeters like wax Furnished showed the stone floor the original room and this is an account of a new end in the same,

 Has been found on pieces of drilling tools bronze, which was used by workers in the construction of the Great Pyramid when it was created has been placed in the score and sent to the laboratories of the antiquities department for analysis work has been going on in the clean-up March 10, 1967 has identified that day, Dr. Khalil, the exact site the stone which covered the door of the corridor by secret ballot, They found that the stone mortar stuck high hardness did not budge despite the huge effort that has been made, and eager to land the Stones workers in the March 13, 1967 the work of the sensor is a hole no more than 2 inches in diameter at the place identified by Dr. Khalil,

  Was introduced wire steel Vnfz under the stone and spread a long distance for more than twenty meters, be sure that this really is the corridor that they are looking for, as extracted material chalky colored Bembe from under the stone was sent to the lab the Egyptian Museum in Cairo for analysis The laboratory report as a unique substance did not come into contact before. The Dr. Khalil in his memoirs that at the same time delayed the excavation, as requested by stakeholders, to make way for the American mission requested the use of cosmic rays to search for the secret chamber,

Did not enter the Great Pyramid, but they went to the pyramid of the second and ended all their efforts, which lasted 4 years after that failure, and requested the Department of Antiquities, Dr. Khalil and Dr. Heshmat postpone the excavation for a period of six months but did not resume from that time until today. It confirms the correctness of detection, Dr. Khalil Egyptologist British Edwards, a month from the books of the Egyptian pyramids, said in an edition of his book published in 1946 "that the Pharaohs did not complete their work in a room the Queen in the Great Pyramid and the proof is that ground the room had not been completed with stone slabs, like the rest of the rooms and corridors the great Pyramid,

Came the same descriptions of the ground which had not been completed in the Book of archaeological and William Petrie for the pyramids and temples of Giza, which means that the Great Pyramid remained since opening it saw no visitors of any slabs of stone in the floor of a room the Queen that came Dr. Khalil Messiah in 1967 and revealed that the Pharaohs were had finished their work entirely within the Queen's room and that one of the floor slabs of stone weighing several tons is the cover, leading to the secret room containing the secrets of the pharaohs came after Dr. Khalil other missions such as the French mission in 1986 and used a Algioradar

  Then Mission Waseda University, Japan in 1987 and used the devices operate scans electromagnetic and likely presence of spaces next to the wall North West Chamber of the Queen, which underlines the validity of research, Dr. Khalil, though their devices fall short of exploring the depth of more than five meters, according to reports published contrary to Dr. Khalil, who arrived to a depth of more than twenty meters of steel using the sensor and the theory of X-ray mass.


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