Friday 21 October 2011

Economic life in Egypt, Greek Romanian

With the entry of Alexander to Egypt and its occupation by the Greeks and the Greeks, became Egypt in the era of the independent state with sovereignty, run by the authority of Egyptian purely working on the growth of civilization and prosperity in Egypt, the recruitment of resources to revive the economy of the state and activating the movement of foreign trade through the trade exchange between Egypt and its neighbors as Queen Hachpsot days and trips, "Puntland" famous to an occupied country to foreigners see it as a private farm to get what they need from agricultural crops, even as it was said, Egypt became the "basket of wheat to Rome"

The case of Egyptian colonists of foreign workers and peasants are working like slaves for the colonial power, collapsed the economy of Egypt, who saw his history some day be a good capital of Egypt, which was the entire world with the percent door, who come from every corner of the world the treasures of the world. Are now in this age planted of wheat to Rome.

And only the case on some crafts and small industries that meet the needs of everyday Egyptians, and there was no economic renaissance of civilization as was the days of the Pharaohs

The commercial activity is limited in the passage of some of the caravan trade between Asia, represented in India and some of Nubia Ifriqiya to bring certain types of raw materials and goods such as ivory, incense, wood, textiles and some agricultural products needed by Europe and helped on this site Egypt distinguished between the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and the ruins on Bahrain white , red and natural extension of the South leading to the mid-Africa.

However, the activity is basic economic in Egypt depends on agriculture and agricultural crops, which was controlled by the colonial power did not get the Egyptians but the crumbs with a strong hold on their back taxes and the return of the entire economy is in the coffers of the rulers and their followers were not the Egyptians return from it, This system remained dominant during the Greek and Roman eras until the arrival of Islam to Egypt in 640 AD and ending the Roman occupation of Egypt and the development of the Muslim rulers of Egypt foundations of social justice response to them the rights of Egyptian Copts and their sense that they are the owners of their land and their goodness

As well as the rulers of Egypt during the Middle Ages put an Islamic economic system in which sound to bring the Muslim and Christian tribute Zakat, a tax is currently being estimated on the basis of the Nile flood. So set up the Muslim rulers standards of the Nile as measures of the Nile the old to the discretion of the abscess and taxes in accordance with Islamic law, Vantash Egyptian economy again until Egypt's entry into the Ottoman era and turn Egypt back to the Ottoman province exercising the Turks and their followers from the Mamluk what he had done by the Greeks and Romans.


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