Friday 21 October 2011

The ancient Egyptian literature

The literature of any people is the mirror that reflects our mentality and aspirations and explain to us the progress of this community and mental maturity of the people of this community.
Egyptian literature is divided into four main sections:
§  religious myths:
It is for the gods and what is between the gods and each other, and between the gods and nature, pointing to incidents occurred in the distant past combined the facts and events have already occurred and the imagination of the carrier and blogger, author, and change where and merged between historical events ancient myths Chatah where the mind is most important of these myths: the myth Isis and Osiris myth the myth of human survival trick Isis ... etc

§ stories:
    The story appeared in ancient Egypt for the purpose of the story itself and not depending on the events which occurred or to explain some of the issues known, but as a story of fiction novelist, author, written by a figment of his imagination was the story began with the beginning of historical times and loved the ancient Egyptian stories and Hfezoha and Tnagulwha from generation to generation and found encouragement from kings of the book and these stories the famous story of the Egyptian story of Sinuhe navigator and remote island story villager Alvsih story of King Khufu, the story of the wife treacherous magicians and other stories.

§ songs and the songs:
There were many songs of gods and kings was repeated by the ancient Egyptians in praise of various gods and kings, and these songs: Nasheed of the Nile "favor" the god of the Nile to Egypt and will enjoy the special days of flooding. Songs "Akhenaten," which addresses the king Akhenaton to the new god, "Aten" which is the underlying force in the solar disk Akhenaten wrote many of these beautiful songs, which quoted him as part of Psalm 104 of David's Psalms in the Bible

§ the songs and poetry:
      There was a university types of songs for peasants in the field while working and reaping the crops, as well as workers and fishermen of all works and uses the hard work singing, whether collective or individual is given by the total.
There were also victories for the national songs and the return of armies from the field of fighting, such as anthem or song "Unni".
    There are many songs with a hair weight was the unsung individuals are keen on some of the nobles, recorded in their tombs to enjoy the world of the other song on the guitar musician. The songs also Songs of love and touch the chastity and compassion and most have a dialogue between a boy and a girl broadcast for each of them his feelings to the other and of which deals with the natural beauty of the Nile and the fields and trees and birds reflect the extent of paper feelings of the ancient Egyptians and most of these songs are written on papyrus


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